Some old images for a podcast I use to do for Real Life Superheroes.


I illustrated a tribute to one of my friends who passed away in July. Dale Pople was a friend from my old Zetaman days. He kept in contact through social media long after I retired. He was a huge supporter of Totally Naked Man. At one point we were talking about putting together a Totally Naked Man package for Adult Swim. Dale’s influence is found in my comics. The story of S’p’r H’ro is a theme in Holly Wood: Space Diva. The spaceships in Zetaman are a recycled design from a movie project of Dale’s.

A writer friend of mine wrote a good blog about Dale at

Dale was always a supporter of other people. He supported their projects and their personal growth. I wish I had more words. I don’t know what else to say except I will miss him. And thank you, Dale, for the impact you’ve made in my life.

Painting of RLSH via Kingdom Come by DC Comics.
Painting of RLSH via Kingdom Come by DC Comics.

Here is an illustration by Jack “Action Jason” Brinatte.

Zetaman by Action Jackson
Zetaman by Action Jackson

Back in my Zetaman days, Jack created many of my outfits. I was so lucky to find a skilled tailor. Jack has done a lot of work to help others over the years. Recently, he’s been hard at work on is AA in Graphic Design. Jack sells Jack also has a YouTube channel at

Please support his awesome work with a subscription or a purchase from his Esty store.